Chris' BookWyrm

Social Reading and Reviewing




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A little personal instance for a single user

  • Active users: 2
  • Statuses posted: 294
  • Software version: 0.7.3

Welcome to Chris' BookWyrm!

Chris' BookWyrm is part of BookWyrm, a network of independent, self-directed communities for readers. While you can interact seamlessly with users anywhere in the BookWyrm network, this community is unique.

City of Stairs is Chris' BookWyrm's most beloved book, with an average rating of 5.0 out of 5.
More Chris' BookWyrm users want to read Her Body and Other Parties than any other book.

Track your reading, talk about books, write reviews, and discover what to read next. Always ad-free, anti-corporate, and community-oriented, BookWyrm is human-scale software, designed to stay small and personal. If you have feature requests, bug reports, or grand dreams, reach out and make yourself heard.

Meet your admins

Chris' BookWyrm's moderators and administrators keep the site up and running, enforce the code of conduct, and respond when users report spam and bad behavior.


chris b

Joined 5 months ago